#PlayApartTogether and Stay Home, Save Lives hope to leverage the popularity of video games to promote responsible health practices.
Sledgehammer veteran Glen Schofield talks with GameDaily about the challenge of creating a single-player game in the PUBG universe while building up a studio in the middle of a pandemic.
#PlayApartTogether is aimed at educating gamers about the best health practices for flattening the curve.
The creators of platformer Stela are hard at work on the next Halo with Microsoft, but the studio wouldn’t have gotten to this point without a strong company culture. We chat with co-founder Shyang Kong.
ICO Partners’ David Ortiz Lapaz explains what steps devs are taking to maximize their games’ audience.
Wilson is building a team composed primarily of women to make games for an underserved audience. For women in games, she tells GameDaily, “Never let someone else’s bias affect how you view yourself.”
Eve Crevoshay, executive director of Take This, provides an overview of the various mental health struggles that developers must face today and how culture change at studios must come from the top.
Steam, Twitch, and YouTube have all seen a sharp rise in usership since global quarantine efforts began.
Butterscotch Shenanigans CEO Seth Coster outlines at virtual GDC 2020 how he transformed his studio with best practices and eliminated crunch.
Genvid’s total funding has reached $53 million. Interactive streaming has a major future, according to DFC analyst David Cole.