GameDaily Connect Asia 2019: Developing games faster and better with Cocos

Joel Couture, Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 2:43 pm

Creating games can be extremely daunting for a developer starting out. What sorts of development tools should you use? Where do you find information on things you don’t understand about those tools? How challenging is it to deal with surprises with the tools? How should you structure your work to best use the knowledge you already have?

Huabin Ling, Technical Director at Cocos, understands what it’s like to have your head swirling with questions and possibilities as you set out to make your first game. At GameDaily Connect Asia in Shenzen from November 10-12, he’s hoping to show you how you can streamline and improve your development, as well as how the Cocos Creator and Cocos2d-x can help answer a lot of your questions, providing a flexible, easy-to-use set of tools for making games for iOS, Android, Windows phones, and more.

For Cocos2d-x, “The engine provides rich functions such as graphics rendering, GUI, audio, network, physics, user input, etc., and is widely used in game development and interactive application construction. Its core is written in C++ and supports development in C++, Lua or JavaScript,” according to the product’s site.

Huabin Ling, Cocos
Huabin Ling, Cocos

It’s a robust set of tools all in one place, and has been used by big companies like DeNA (for Pokémon Masters), The Pokémon Company themselves for Pokémon: Magikarp Jump, Square Enix, Tencent, Bandai Namco, and many others.

Cocos Creator offers a great deal of resources as well, featuring an All-in-One Editor that allows for quick edits and iteration during development, support for 2D and 3D games (with support for middleware like Spine, DragonBones, TiledMap, Box2D, and Texture Packer), a built-in UI system that aims to make creating user interfaces quicker and easier, support for JavaScript, and the option to create or add plugins to make the tool suit your game’s specific needs.

Several large companies have been putting Cocos Creator to work for them as well, but GameDaily Connect has always had a hand in helping the small folks just starting out. Ling will be showing prospective developers all of the varied blogs, videos, API references, demos, and documentation that are available for each of their products, breaking down exactly what a developer at any stage in their career might want to know about Cocos products and how they can make their lives easier.

Want to know how to make a Mario-like platformer in Cocos Creator? There’s an article on how to do just that on Cocos’ site. How about a puzzle game? The developers of Ekans (an award-winning puzzle game created in Cocos Creator) would love to share their design work with you. Just daunted about where to even begin? Cocos offers videos with developers on how to get started with their products. Whether you learn through reading, watching videos, or hands-on, Cocos aims to offer what they can to get you started. 

Even if you’re questioning how your game is doing once it’s out, Cocos offers a suite of analytic tools that will show how your game is being played, who’s playing it, and more. Cocos looks to offer developers a ton of information on anything they could want to know about their products, and in turn, help them learn what they need to know about making games quickly and efficiently.

The various Cocos tools have been designed to speed up the development process by putting everything you need in one place, then offering you the information you need to get it all running quickly. Ling is looking to share their advice, built from years of work creating Cocos’ products, to help developers see which tools will help them achieve their goals faster and get their games out on the market that much quicker. Having spent so much of his life working to make tools that will help developers work faster and more efficiently, he’s looking forward to sharing advice on everything from software packages to keyboard choices, all in hopes of helping you make the game you’ve been dreaming of.

Interested in attending GameDaily Connect Asia 2019? You can register right here, and don’t wait too long, as discounts on tickets are available only up until October 11. © 2025 | All Rights Reserved.